Our Nursery is a teacher led learning environment, which is fully integrated into the main academy and is part of the Early Years Team. It is a social enterprise which offers the best quality and value service, for our Parents/Carers from age 3 and mirrors the school day and term dates of the main school.
The Nursery and Foundation class, work together as a unit, allowing the children to move freely around all areas of the Foundation Stage with the children having access to the outside area whatever the weather! We plan a wide range of opportunities for children to learn through fun, hands on experiences in both adult led and child initiated activities.
Early Years Curriculum
We follow theEarly Years Foundation Stage Curriculumwhich is designed to meet the needs of all children up to the age of 5, in keeping with the Early Years Curriculum guidelines. This is achieved through joint weekly planning and times of shared learning, across the Nursery/Foundation areas, offering a consistent curriculum, which gives your child the very best start.
This is made up of 3 prime areas:
Personal, social and emotional Development
Communication and language
Physical development
There are also 4 specific areas of development:
Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design
Children will be given opportunities to learn at their own level and we endeavour to follow the children's interests, to help us plan fun and exciting activities. We love the outdoors and always plan activities that involve the environment around us.